Christian & Missionary Alliance in Saskatoon History

Historical Flashbacks

Erindale Alliance Church (1986 - )

At the suggestion of the District Superintendent, the original core group that formed Forest Grove Alliance Church came out of the Lawson Heights Alliance Church. Others from the other Alliance churches joined this group before they held the first public service. Pastor Ernest Regier was asked to lead this new venture. The services started on September 7, 1986 in the Forest Grove school.

The school auditorium was the church home for the first seven months. Clare Gitzel, who had helped Pastor Regier in the church plants in Prince Albert and at Lawson Heights, again joined in this new venture.

While the new congregation settled in, the church was already eyeing property in the area. They rented a house on seven acres of choice property for a parsonage. It became a delightful quiet haven for the Regiers in the winter months.

After seven months in the school, they moved the Sunday services to the Saskatchewan School of Performing Arts building. People gathered during the week for Bible Studies and fellowship in various homes.

In 1987, the church was incorporated. By 1988, the average Sunday morning attendance was 106 people.

The steady growth of the membership made the construction of their own church building important. The church is located in the Erindale district, and became known on relocation as the Erindale Alliance Church. Three years of using school auditoriums came to an end in the fall of 1989. The dedication of the facilities was held on October 29, 1989.

In the late 1980's and early 1990's the church staff expanded to include a part-time secretary, Carol Heystek, later Karen Dafoe, Assisatant Pastor, Meldon Lutzer and pastor of Worship, Brad Schellenberg.

Pastor Regier retired in 1997 and was replaced by Pastor John MacGregor. Pastor Lutzer resigned in 1996 to accept a ministry position in Gibbons, Alberta.

Pastor MacGregor resigned in 2002 and was replaced by Pastor Robin Haensel in 2003. Dr. Bruce Pringle was Associate Pastor from 1999 - 2009; Pastor Tim Thiessen was the Youth Pastor from 2003- 2008, followed by Pastor Evan Jenkins and Hannah Driscoll for two years of interim ministry.

Erindale Alliance Church celebrated its 25th anniversary with a mortgage burning at Thanksgiving of 2012, a number of years ahead of schedule.

This church has grown from a small vibrant group meeting on bald prairie farmland to a time and place where now the congregration is over 300 and a number of new sub-divisions have sprung up all around the Erindale church; area. Places like University Heights, Willowgrove, Arbour Creek, Forest Grove, etc.

The burden of many in the congregation is to reach out to the young families that are filling all those new homes. Already, the DVBS week each summer is filled with registrations long before the week comes!

Erindale is becoming well-known in Saskatoon for its English as a Second Language (ESL) classes. Chinese university students and immigrants are most attracted, but people from other countries and cultures come too. This also provides a good opportunity for evangelism. Fruit is in evidence, as several times a year, one or more of the ESL students ask for baptism as new believers.

The Quizzing program has had a tremendous impact on a generation or two of young people. Our teams have won many times in the city-wide, provincial and regional meets. As these young people grow up we know their Biblical grounding will stand them in good stead. Some will end up on the mission field.

There is a strong core of mature believers at Erindale Alliance, who are faithful prayer warriors throughout the congregation. There are also a number of small groups active in Bible study, prayer and fellowship. The church is known for its friendliness and generosity.

Ernest Regier is Pastor Ermeritus. Pastor Robin Haensel has been the senior pastor for the past 10 years, but will be moving on effective May 1. Pastor Joel Diamond, Associate Pastor of Adult ministries has been serving since 2010. The Pastor of Youth and Young Adults is Josh Jacobs, having joined the Pastoral team in 2011. The Director of Children's Ministry since 2007 is Erin Petty. The Administrative Assistant is Penney Peters, and the Administrative Support/Nursery Director is Tracy Good.

[updated June 7, 2013 by Ruth Friesen]

Website: Erindale Alliance Church

Sign advertising "Forest Grove Alliance Church"

Forest Grove School Auditorium

Home Bible Studies

Pastor Earnest Regier

Historical Flashbacks were researched and written by Lorraine Willems. Thanks to Ernest Regier for his contributions. Contributors are noted on the related pages. Copyright 2003 and 2013 by copyright holders.