Christian & Missionary Alliance in Saskatoon History

Historical Flashbacks

Saskatoon Filipino Community Church (1987 - )

Julius A. Tiangson was born and raised in the Philippines. He moved to Canada in 1985. He tells his story,

"I arrived in Saskatoon on January 12, 1985 to work in an accounting firm as an international exchange student. I prayed that God would lead me to a missions-minded church. A work associate introduced me to the College and Career Ministry of Circle Drive Alliance Church led by Pastor Rick Aupperle. I met many new friends there and was introduced to the Senior Pastor, Rev. Walter Boldt and the Christian Education Director, Pastor Keith Walker.

That summer, I met Dave & Yolly Pines and their young family at a downtown sidewalk sale. They introduced me to the Espeleta family. I met other Filipinos and sensed a hunger for God. I started a Bible study in the home of Teofilo and Lita Guevarra in September, 1985. The Bible study grew, and a number of people received Jesus Christ. A vision of planting a church among the Filipinos in Saskatoon began to develop in me.

In early summer of 1986, Rev. Walter Boldt approached me about organizing a ministry among the Filipinos through Circle Drive Alliance Church. However, I still carried a temporary work visa. I returned to the Philippines to apply as a landed immigrant.

While in the Philippines, I was reunited with Bunny Molina. Shortly after our reunion, we began to seek God's will for our lives. God had been training her for a life of faith and obedience. We were married on August 22, 1987 by Dr. Asterio Wee.

I returned to Saskatoon on October 20, 1987 to commence a ministry among the Filipinos. We began a Sunday afternoon prayer meeting in November. Bunny arrived on December 20, 1987. We held the first official Celebration Service January 3, 1988 in the Chapel of the Prairies of Circle Drive Alliance Church with ten adults and six children present."

In the fall of 1988, they established an Advisory Committee for the Filipino Ministry in Circle Drive Alliance church. Two members of this Board were Art Ratzlaff and Al Willems, both Elders on the Circle Drive Church Board. This committee was given the task of coordinating programs and serving as liaisons to Circle Drive.

By January 1991, they established an interior Advisory Committee for the Saskatoon Filipino Alliance Church. Mar Complido, secretary, Philip Uy, treasurer, and Dave Pines, financial secretary, were given a charge to lead the church toward organization with the Christian and Missionary Alliance denomination. The Saskatoon Filipino Alliance church officially became a chartered church of the Midwest District of the C&MA on April 19, 1992 with 33 charter members, 39 adherents and 16 children.

They held worship services in the gym of Circle Drive Alliance until the church acquired its own facility on Fairlight Drive. The congregation voted to change the name to the Saskatoon Filipino Community Church on Sept. 12, 1993 and moved to its present location on October 1, 1993. They celebrated Dedication Sunday, October 24, with more than 400 people crowded into the new sanctuary.

In 1993, an average of 60 people attended the Morning Worship service.

The first intern for the church was Tom Walker, who served from May - August 1994. The church membership was then 38. The following year, Cory Shrigley was the intern. March 5, 1995 was Ordination Day for Pastor Julius.

In 1997, Dr. Arnold Cook invited Pastor Julius to attend the College of Prayer being started in the States. This instruction and mentoring ignited a renewed life of prayer in him. This flame is gradually spreading to the church leadership and the congregation. He has established the National Prayer Mobilization Team of the C&MA. In September 1999, the College of Prayer Canada held its first module which mentors leaders who will reach a lost world through a revived church.

On February 15, 1999, Darin Reimer became an Associate Pastor to Youth and College & Career. God brought people to salvation and an average of 100 attended the services that year.

Julius Tiangson announced his resignation on January 23, 2000 so that he could plant churches in the Greater Toronto Area. As founding pastor, he had seen the membership grow to 58 and the Sunday morning attendance stabilize at 100. Around 160 people had come to Christ through the ministry of the pastoral staff and people of the Saskatoon Filipino Community Church.

In the time following Pastor Julius' resignation, the Board of Elders requested that Al Willems serve as the Church Administrator. With unity on the Board and the determination of the church family to remain united, the ministry continued to be effective in ministering to the church family and the Filipino community.

In April 2001, Rev. Darin Reimer resigned from his position as Associate Pastor.

The Board of Elders extended an invitation to Rev. Danilo Fabella to come to Canada from Manila as a guest speaker for four weeks beginning in September 2001. He and his wife, Brenda, were en route on September 11. They landed in Vancouver and had to remain there until the airlines were rescheduled after the infamous events in New York that day. They arrived in Saskatoon September 13. After the four weeks were complete, the Board of Elders extended an invitation for him to candidate, and following the candidating period, to assume the position of Sr. Pastor. On November 26, 2001, Rev. Danilo Fabella began his ministry, having received his working papers.

Under his leadership, a Cell Group Ministry was added to the church program. The church also celebrated ten years of ministry at this location in October, 2003. On July 15, 2004, Pastor Danilo Fabella resigned.

On July 5, 2005, after 12 years of ministry at this location, the church paid off the mortgage on the building. A special celebration of God's faithfulness to our congregation was held on September 25, 2005. We are delighted to see how God continues to lead this church forward.

Saskatoon Filipino Community Church, 3532 Fairlight Drive

Children's Class - early 1990s

Founding families

Bunny & Julius Tiangson

Filipino Choir

Blessing the Tiangsons

Children's Christmas Program

Adult Christmas Musical

Volleyball Outreach

Tiangson's Farewell

Rev. Danilo & Brenda Fabella

Historical Flashbacks were researched and written by Lorraine Willems. Contributors are noted on the related pages. Photos by Dr. C. Maningas and Al Willems. Copyright 2003 and 2013 by copyright holders.