Christian & Missionary Alliance in Saskatoon History

Historical Flashbacks


Rev. James Gibson

Rev. J.D. Williams, superintendent for the Western District of the Christian & Missionary Alliance (C&MA) in Canada requested Rev. James Gibson, who had been pastoring the Alliance church in Denzil, Sask. to take over the Alliance work in Saskatoon effective January 1, 1934.

Mr. Gibson, a short, stocky man with a round face, was happy to accept this position and moved with his wife and young daughter to Saskatoon.

The work of the Gibsons appears to have been filled with enthusiasm with both pastor and wife deeply involved in the ministry. Mrs. Gibson would frequently preach, provide special music and give object talks to the young people.

Irene Broughton, a child during the ministry of the Gibsons, recalls the ministry of the Gibsons, "Everyone loved the Gibsons. They were so sweet. I remember that he read all his sermons. One day the windows were open because it was so hot and a little breeze swept his notes off the pulpit. He couldn't say another word. He was just finished."

On August 4, 1934, the church congregation said farewell to the Gibsons. Their work in Saskatoon had taken a physical toll, and they headed East for a rest. They were involved in evangelistic work in Eastern Canada for a period of time after they were rested. There is no knowledge of where they or their family are today.

Rev. James Gibson

The First Church at University Drive & 13th Street

Historical Flashbacks were researched and written by Lorraine Willems. Contributors are noted on the related pages. Copyright 2003 and 2013 by copyright holders.