Christian & Missionary Alliance in Saskatoon History

Historical Flashbacks


Rev. Herb Heppner

Rev. & Mrs. Herb Heppner and their two daughters arrived in Saskatoon to begin their ministry on October 31, 1943. Approximately 125 people were in the congregation when they started their ministry.

Jean Grasley, originally from Kindersley, Saskatchewan, served as the church deaconess. She lived with the Heppners, helping with the family, which increased to three girls while they lived in Saskatoon.

Rev. Heppner reorganized the church structure. He provided a new constitution with the help of the President of the Bible College, Rev. G. M. Blackett at the first recorded Annual Meeting held on December 13, 1943.

They established an Executive Board of the church. The members included John Reimer, Treasurer, Jack Gordon, Secretary, Cliff Broughton, Isaac Peters, Mr. Warner, W. A. Ferguson and Mr. Ganes.

Within six months, Rev. Heppner started a radio program, "Harbour Lights." This 30-minute program consisted of readings, musical numbers and a short sermonette. Due to wartime regulations, the messages had to be typed out word for word and a copy presented to the station for approval in advance. This was new to Rev. Heppner and he did not find it easy to comply.

Musicians involved in the radio program included a ladies trio with Ellen Nelson (now Mrs. Elmer Peters), Esther Reimer and Irene Broughton. A mixed quartette used the talents of various singers, including Cam Kirk, Russ Marshall, George Broughton, Ellen Nelson, Muriel Graham (now Mrs. Ernal Plum), and Irene Broughton.

During their three and one-half years of ministry, the Heppners saw the church attendance double. The move into the renovated garage had added interest and growth.

Miss Margaret Connor conducted revival prayer meetings throughout Western Canada with Alliance churches. Her second visit, in November 1946, was in ministry of Rev. Earl Tygert of Prairie Bible Institute. God met the congregation in revival, resulting in half nights of prayer, a renewed love for the Word of God and an eagerness to witness. Many conversions resulted.

Rev. Heppner relates, "The Lord graciously met us in our church in Saskatoon and sent revival to us. God did a new thing for me at that time and brought me into new victory and blessing. It revolutionized my life and ministry completely. Since then many adjustments have had to be made and God has led every spot of the way. Since that time I have learned in a small measure what it means to minister in the power, blessing and liberty of the Holy Spirit."

The Heppners' last Sunday of ministry was April 7, 1947. They left behind a healthy congregation that now had their own building and a congregation of 250 people. They then became involved in missionary promotional work.

Many buildings have been inspected with the view of procuring a church base. During the month of April our present Tabernacle was purchased at the price of $8,000. The dedication service for our new Tabernacle was held at 3:00 in the afternoon of September 17th and the presence of God prevailed throughout this service.

Secretary J.S. Gordon, 1943-44

"We as a congregation, pray with Brother Heppner, that when our tabernacle is free of debt, and all our material needs are met~ that we will not become self satisfied, and content, but that we will strive harder to reach lost souls for Him."

Secretary J.S. Gordon, 1943-44

Rev. H Heppner & family

Rev. G.M. Blackett, President of Western Canadian Bible Institute

Dec. 1944 - Harbour Lights Mixed Quartet with Eddy Kettles, Pianist

Historical Flashbacks were researched and written by Lorraine Willems. Contributors are noted on the related pages. Copyright 2003 and 2013 by copyright holders.