Christian & Missionary Alliance in Saskatoon History

Historical Flashbacks

Lawson Heights Alliance Church (September 1978 - )

The concept of a new Alliance church in Saskatoon was officially born at a meeting held on June 29, 1976. Present at this meeting were the Pastors and representatives of the University Drive, Westgate, and Meadow Lark Park Alliance churches. The meeting was chaired by Rev. R. Gould, District Superintendent.

In the planning meetings that followed it was decided that the new church would be launched in Lawson Heights in the fall of 1978. Pastor Ernest Regier and family moved from Prince Albert to launch this new work.

On Sept 17, 1978 services began in the River Heights School. The nine families who committed themselves to be the core of the new venture were soon joined by others to bring the attendance up into the forties.

Sunday school classes were held in various corners of the gym, halls and any other place we could find available in the River Heights school.

Suppers were held for special occasions.

Work on the church building on Pinehouse Drive started in April 1980.

Eight months later, just in time for our Christmas Sunday School program we moved into Stage I of the new structure.

The exterior of the church was completed, but it wasn't until Spring 1982 that work began to complete the sanctuary (Stage II) On Dec. 5, 1982, we moved into the completed sanctuary, again just in time for our Sunday School Christmas program.

The Mid West Memo reports,

The 700-seat sanctuary was dedicated on Sunday, February 6, 1983. Rev. Melvin P. Sylvester, President of the Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada, spoke at the dedication.

[At the time of the dedication] the Lawson Heights family numbered 300 regular attenders on Sunday morning. The Sunday School was over 200 with 19 classes. A mid-week ministry had an outreach to 150 children and youth each week.

Once we were in the church, the AWANA program was started to reach boys and girls for Christ.

In the summer of 1983 Pastor Bob McDonald became our assistant pastor. He was joined by his wife Irene and daughter Leeanne. Later Lorne and Colette Regier became our Youth Directors.

Marlene Neufeld is our capable secretary.

April 1986 Dorothy Rodocker became our Co-ordinator of Women's ministries.

Pastor Regier left in late summer of 1986 to launch a new Alliance church in Forest Grove area.

Pastor Peter Bergman, who was ministering in Kindersley Alliance, became our Senior pastor in November of 1986. He was joined by his wife Ruby and son Marshall

Randy Rohrick was youth pastor beginning in February 1987. Randy, Cheryl and Alyssa their daughter came to us from Assiniboia.

In 1989, the average Sunday morning attendance was about 200. The staff included Rev. Murray Boldt, Senior Pastor; Randy Rohrick, Youth Pastor; Wendall Peters, Music Director. The church programs included:

Rev. Murray and Lorraine Boldt ministered from 1989 until 1996. In 1989 the average attendance was 235; in 1994 it was 300.

Rev. Arden and Pat Adrian served from 1996 to 2000.

Rev. Mike Newson is currently Senior Pastor and Al Regier is the Associate Pastor at Lawson Heights Alliance.

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Rev. Ernest Regier

Construction 1980

Interior 1982

Colette & Loren Regier

Rev. Peter Bergman

Lorraine, Danae, Nathan, Murray Boldt

Rev. Mike Newson

Historical Flashbacks were researched and written by Lorraine Willems. Thanks to Marlene Klassen for her contributions. Copyright 2003 and 2013 by copyright holders.