Roy McIntyre was born in Ontario in 1913. Two years later, he moved with his family to a homestead in northern Saskatchewan. Converted at seventeen through the ministry of a Prairie Bible Institute team, he enrolled there within a year. After graduation, he became an Alliance worker in Senlac, Saskatchewan in October 1935. In 1942, he married Evelyn Morden. They pastored a number of churches in the following years.
The District Superintendent asked the McIntyres to take the pastorate in Saskatoon in 1951. Enroute to Saskatoon, their four-year-old daughter, Ruth, became ill with polio. She died in Moose Jaw on May 22, 1951. Following her internment, the McIntyres, with their eight-month-old son, David, moved on to Saskatoon to begin their ministry on May 27.
Under Rev. McIntyre's ministry, the church continued to grow. By 1954, the Sunday School department had outgrown the rooms available. Various locations outside the church building on 4th Avenue accommodated those attending, including the Art Academy (dance hall), Legion Hall, and the YMCA. The safety of the children was a deep concern, because they had to cross busy streets to get to their classes each Sunday.
Two years later, the church was able to purchase the property on University Drive and 13th Street, and sell the church building to a Baptist congregation who moved the building to Maple Street. While the building, designed to accommodate 600, was being constructed on University Drive, the congregation met in various locations including the Legion Hall. When the new church was completed, the congregation settled happily into their new facilities knowing they would have adequate room for growth. The dedication service was held in February 1957.
In an article in the Alliance Witness dated August 12, 1959, the membership is reported to be "three hundred with at least two hundred additional adherents and friends as attendants. In spite of heavy financial demands made upon the congregation during the past few years, the receipts for missions have increased each year, last year's being more than $14,000."
This article, written two years after the new church building is completed, continues, "One of the rewarding evidences of the ministry of the Saskatoon Alliance Church is the record of approximately twenty-five persons who have entered Christian service at home and abroad."
Rev. & Mrs. McIntyre remained as pastors for eight and one-half years. He recalls, "We had good outreach. Our Radio program was 30 minutes long. The church was blessed with good music and talent. Roy Morden took care of choir and music for several years. Many were involved. Menno Dirks was Sunday School Superintendent for many years . . . our Sunday School and Daily Vacation Bible Schools were super!"
Rev. McIntyre's resignation on December 31, 1959 came with the call to become the District Superintendent of Western Canada, a position he held until he retired December 31, 1980.
The New Church will no doubt be the highlight of each report. Let me just draw your attention to a little survey of activities relative to this covering the past twelve months or so. Shortly after our Annual meeting of 1956, things began to happen rapidly.
First we received an offer for our old church building, and then within a month we received an offer for the Third Avenue property. After prayer we felt the leading of the Lord to sell the building and the Third Avenue property and re-locate on University Drive and 13th Street. Everything so worked together, that we felt positive that God was in the whole matter.
Now as we look back upon it we are more convinced than ever that the move we made was ordered of the Lord. He makes no mistakes. I do not believe we could wish for a better, a more suitable location anywhere in Saskatoon. It was April 2 that we left our old church, to rent facilities till our new church would be built.
For nine months we met in various places. Without the Lord on our side this could have meant disaster for the work but the Lord graciously kept us together and inspite of the difficulties the work grew slowly.
The task of plans for the Alliance Church was no small matter. Days and days were spent with pencil and paper before sending our combined ideas to the Architects. After five preliminary drawings we finally felt we had the Lord's mind. Our aim was a commodius building, nice in appearance, but keeping in mind the need for facilities to handle a growing work. -Rev. Mcintyre, 1956
Then came the "letting of the contract", Soon the work began and we watched it grow day by day until now it nears the completion stage. One of the greatest difficulties during the building of the church was the financing of the building.
We can only say, "How Great Thou Art". Now in a few days we plan to dedicate this beautiful commodious building the Lord has given us. Our prayer is that God will make us worthy of all He has done for us.
Rev. Mcintyre, 1956
Choir 1953
Choir 1958
Rev & Mrs Roy McIntyre and David
Last year at our Annual Meeting definite action was taken regarding the need for more adequate facilities for our work, especially the Sunday School.
A unanimous vote was recorded as I recall that we do something. During the year something has been done, the first step in the program. A lot on Third Avenue has been purchased for the sum of $ 15,000.
Our Building fund Treasurer, a little later will enlighten us as to our present liabilities concerning this. It is the hope of your Pastor at least, and I feel sure of the Executive Board of the Church that this liability will be liquidated as quickly as possible.
By this time next year we hope we can say the location is all paid for. Much prayer must be made to God on behalf of this great venture. There will need to be great sacrifice on the part of all if this is to be accomplished. The need is urgent. We need room now especially for Sunday School. A few families cannot bear this building program alone, nor is it right that they should. Let us do all we can. We must not fail the coming generation. Let us arise and build. Let us go forward in His name and for His glory. -Rev. Mcintyre, 1954
Historical Flashbacks were researched and written by Lorraine Willems. Copyright 2003 and 2013 by copyright holders.