Christian & Missionary Alliance in Saskatoon History

Historical Flashbacks


Rev. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Pyne

On August 7, 1938, Rev. & Mrs. L. J. Pyne from Midland, Ontario took over the ministry of the Alliance in Saskatoon. This 26-year-old preacher had been raised in New Brunswick and had pastored two Ontario Alliance churches, His wife, Audrey, shared the ministry, proving musical leadership in the church while mothering three-year-old daughter, Helen.

The Pynes placed a strong emphasis upon the ministry of prayer. God's people were encouraged to seek His face for unusual blessing that attended the ministry of God's word.

God used the variety of musical presentations combined with the ministry of the Word in Bible teaching and a strong evangelistic thrust to reach the lost. One of the Friesen girls, Orkney, responded to the Gospel under their ministry and went on to a life ministry as a pastor's wife to John Bell.

A Star Phoenix article states that keen interest and good attendance characterized the church services. The musical program, including the Friesen Orchestra directed by Jack Gordon, solos by W. A. Ferguson and Mrs. Pyne, and a large choir conducted by Mrs. Pyne, attracted many.

The Pynes renewed the radio ministry the first week in 1939 with the Sunday program, "Glad Tidings Half Hour." A Wednesday night 15-minutes program, "Family Altar" was broadcast for a couple of months. These programs continued until the spring of that year.

Rev. Pyne recalls his ministry in Saskatoon. "Our ministry at this center was of short duration because of health reasons due to the climate, yet God signally blessed. While plans for the erection of the new church building were yet in their infant stages, we held services in the high school auditorium. Access to the place of worship was by three long flights of stairs. Yet, in spite of this handicap, the Sunday evening services, by actual count, averaged between 750 - 800. It was during wartime, and a gathering of any size was to be an official record."

On June 25, 1939, the Pynes gave their farewell sermons at the Victoria School Auditorium.

Historical Flashbacks were researched and written by Lorraine Willems. Contributors are noted on the related pages. Copyright 2003 and 2013 by copyright holders.