Christian & Missionary Alliance in Saskatoon History

Historical Flashbacks

Westgate Alliance Church (August 2, 1964 - )

In 1962, the church leadership felt that the most effective witness in Saskatoon would come with the establishment of a daughter church on the west side of town.

Walter Boldt wrote, "Since our last annual meeting (1962), plans have materialized for our first extension project on Rusholme Road and Ottawa Avenue. Construction is now under way on the educational unit, which will be the first of a proposed 3-stage building program. We are pleased that approximately 22 families have indicated their desire to affiliate with this new project. We shall greatly miss their fellowship in our main church, however we rejoice that their leaving will make it possible for our church to reach a new community with the gospel."

Also - See letter from June 30, 1963.

Many leading families moved to Westgate Alliance when it began in August 1964.

The building was constructed at a cost of approximately $36,000, was dedicated on August 30th with Pastor Dallas Strangway as the founding pastor.

In 1969, Rev. Arnold Downey took the leadership and the church continued to grow until it was filled to capacity. A portable annex was added, but a more permanent solution was needed.

The men of the church constructed an addition which was dedicated in March 1972.

Rev. Bill & Marilyn Parsons began their ministry in 1973. Rev. Parsons served as Associate Pastor, primarily in the area of Christian Education.

In June of 1979 the mortgage was burned in a ceremony with Dale Lemke, Rev. Arnold Downey and Mr. Davis.

The continued church growth required additional staff: Gerald Teichrob began in September 1977 as youth pastor, and Pastor Jim Petruic in September 1978 as an associate pastor of Evangelism and Discipleship. After Gerry and Ruth Teichrob left for Kelowna, Gerald and Judy Froese came to serve with the youth.

In 1980, Arnold Downey became the District Superintendant for the Mid-West District of the C&MA and Rev. Ed Drewlo was called to become the Sr. Pastor. The congregation continued to grow under his ministry. Also in 1980, Lois Moffatt came to serve as secretary, and she continues to serve in a variety of ministry capacities.

Land was purchased on Centennial Drive and sod was turned on June 5, 1983. Construction soon followed and the first service was held in the new building on December 11, 1983.

Westgate had a ministering staff of five led by Rev. Dennis Keith, who started in 1984, and the congregation grew to more than 450 people.

Art and Mary Friesen arrived in 1986. The Keiths left in December 1993. Rev. Paul and Ruth Polonenko began ministry in 1994 and served until June 2004.

Rev. Dan Driedger served as the Associate Pastor of Adult Ministries in 2005, and Phil Adkins served as Associate Pastor of Youth Ministries until 2009.

Rev. Frank Jeske began as Lead Pastor in 2005. Current staff as of March 2013 include Lois Moffatt, Pastor of Church Administration and Women's Ministry, Lara Bergen, Pastor of Children's Ministry, Rev. Bear Yarbrough, Pastor of Student Ministries and Missions Mobilization, and Aaron Haight, Pastor of Worship Arts.

Construction 1964

Newspaper Advertisement of the Dedication, August 30, 1964

Construction of the Addition, 1972

Gerald & Judy Froese and family

Rev. Ed Drewlo

Ruth & Paul Polonenko

Rev. Frank Jeske

Lois Moffatt, Administration and Women's Ministry

Historical Flashbacks were researched and written by Lorraine Willems. Thanks to contributors Carolyne Penner, Colleen Friesen and Lois Moffatt for providing additional information. Copyright 2003 and 2013 by copyright holders.