Musings: To muse means to meditate, to reflect, to ponder and think deeply in abstraction usually in silence. There are times in one's day when this intellectual and spiritual exercise is more active, when issues crystallize and come into sharper focus more than at other times. Genesis 24:63 records that Isaac went out to the field one evening "to meditate."
David wrote, "On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night." For me, the very early hours of the day, when I awake around 4 or 4:30 a.m., are the times when complex issues are clarified and simplified, when scenes and words of yesteryears cast light upon present issues. My musings range all the way from inspirational reflections and convictions to grave concerns for the welfare of the church.
I pray that some of my personal musings shall be the means to spark beneficial insights of your own.