A.B. Simpson as and the Modern Faith Movement, Paul L. King
Saving Faith in the Gospel of John, David K. Huttar
Opposition to Radical Reformation: Martin Luther Against Anabaptist and Radicals, Harold P. Shelly
Putting God to the Test: An Examination of Biblical Data, John V. Dahms
The Contribution of Cultural Anthropology to Missiology, Norman E. Allison
Separation Anxiety Disorder in a Missionary Child: Theoretical Considerations and Intervention Strategies, Mark D. Bullock
Patterns of Spiritual Direction, James A. Davies
An Effective Deliverance Methodology: Then and Now, Gerald E. McGraw
Dangers in the Deliverance Ministry, K. Neill Foster
Elio Cuccaro, Ph. D., Editor
©2006, 2024 by K. Neill Foster
Alliance Academic Review
Christian Publications, Inc.
3825 Hartzdale Drive, Camp Hill, PA 17011
Faithful, biblical publishing since 1883
ISBN: 0–87509–690–5
© 1996 by Christian Publications
All rights reserved
Printed in the United States of America
96 97 98 99 00 5 4 3 2 1
In most cases, Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE :NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION.®Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by the International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers. Some authors have used their own translation when the emphasis necessitated a difference in wording.
To Alliance academics everywhere for their contribution to the advancement of Christ's kingdom
©2006, 2024 by K. Neill Foster